Letter From Our Pastor, Fr. John Paul Lewis
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
This week, I just wanted to take an opportunity to be grateful for everyone who helped make our parish carnival a success. As I walked around the carnival and saw the many people who were giving their time to run booths, cook food, donate baskets for bingo, and do all of the things that were necessary, I was filled with great joy. We had people from the Knights of Columbus, the Altar Society, the Thrift Shop, the Catholic Daughters, Birthright, Fully Alive, St. Vincent de Paul and others who just wanted to help out. They gave almost 12 hours of their day on a Saturday to ensure that our parish carnival went smoothly, and to give the people of our parish an opportunity to come together in fellowship.
I also want to thank everyone who came to the carnival and made it a success. It was a bit smaller than it normally has been, mostly because our space was smaller than we’ve had access to in the past. Next year, however, our carnival will be back in the gym, and hopefully we can make it the biggest and best carnival we’ve ever had!
In Christ,
Fr. John Paul